Discussion Questions
Though Travis and Rosey unapologetically say that the power in their church lies with them, the missionaries work as a team, and they consult with the members of the congregation about decisions. With that in mind, would you say they are more or less congregational in practice than your church is?
Travis and Rosey choose not to bring some decisions to their congregations because they would never reach an agreement. If you were leading a group where this was the case, how would you handle it?
Travis and Rosey ask an intriguing question. “How holy does someone have to be to have which responsibility within the church? How mature do they have to be?” What do you think?
Travis and Rosey also note that Canadian churches, particularly when they’re board-led can be led more administratively than spiritually. Is this something you see as a concern in your church? How would you suggest this could be prevented or resolved?