Discussion Questions

  1. Were you aware before Betty mentioned it that there were other creation accounts in circulation during the time Genesis was written—accounts that had some striking similarities but also critical differences to the biblical account?

  2. Betty points out that we can be tempted to either see the world as all broken or all good. Which direction would you say you tend to?

  3. What trouble might you get into if you emphasize one over the other?

  4. Think of a person you really dislike or just don’t respect at all. If you pause and think about the fact that this person is created in the image of God what changes? Do your feelings about the person change? Do feelings remain but you change the way you treat them? Are you better able to see the person fairly? To see what part of the dislike/disrespect is your own problem and what is truly their problem?

  5. How difficult do you find it to see yourself both as a wonderful, loved person and at the same time as “a contributor to the pain in the world?” Who usually wins? What do you do to keep these viewpoints in perspective?