Discussion Questions

  1. Do you believe your church community is attractive? That people would want to be part of it?

  2. If not, is that because you’ve come to take it for granted and no longer see how special it is?

  3. Or do you believe that as it is now, your community would do more harm than good to someone new?


Depending on the nature of your group this may be a great way to keep each other accountable or you may prefer to treat these questions as a matter of private conviction between God and participant.

  1. How do we ensure that our community is not just for us? How can we be intentional about looking for opportunities to share this community, to show people that the good news of Jesus is possible, is plausible, is persuasive because of the way that we live and treat one another and the way that we can treat others.

  2. Are you living a life that is open to sharing the good news of Christ with the people around you and inviting others into this community?

  3. What sort of things is our church doing? What sort of programs do we have, what sort of events do we have that make it easy for people who are outside of our community to find a way in?

  4. What is the process for inviting people who may not currently be a part of our Christian communities to come and find a seat and feel like they've got a home here with us?