Discussion Questions

  1. Some Christians including Anabaptists would disagree with Stuart, instead believing that North American Christians are being persecuted now, or soon will be. How does (or would) fear of persecution affect the way we interact with the world?

  2. Dr. Murray is troubled that Mennonites are reluctant to talk about faith. Is this something you see as well? If so, why do you think we are we so reluctant?

  3. From Dr. Murray: “What does it mean to invite people into our communities without them having to subscribe to everything that we believe, or our culture, or our ways of doing things, or the songs we sing, or the clothes we wear, or all the other things that make up the community? What are the important things and what are the non-essentials?”

  4. In the EMC we are rethinking some of our partnerships with other agencies because we have different beliefs. Here Murray says it should be easier to form partnerships with those groups. What do you think about partnering with an organization that thinks differently than us? Can it work? Are there parameters?