Discussion Questions

  1. Pilgram Marpeck’s discussion with the Spiritualists reflects two perspectives still in circulation—views we tend to think of as modern. Can you identify what they are?

  2. Have you ever wondered at how limited Jesus’ direct influence was, what Murray refers to as the “particularity of the incarnation?” Is the fact that we are limited a source of guilt for you—you feel like you should do more? Is it a relief? Do you find it stressful knowing where your limits are? Or is this something you’ve never really considered—you do what you can and move on?

  3. Murray talks about being “rooted in the community we are part of and contextualizing the good news in that context.” The first part is being culturally attuned or “fully immersed” in culture. Historically, EMC churches have struggled with this concept, often favouring isolation from the culture over immersion within it—or the opposite—competing over who has more insider knowledge or is more accepting of the culture (often expressed in a humble-brag kind of way). Does that description ring true to you—do you see yourself in either of them? How do you avoid those extremes to have a healthy engagement with the culture you are in?

  4. The second dimension Murray mentions is that of being countercultural within your context. Can you do this in a way that keeps relationships intact? Do you have an example of a time when you navigated this well? Or when you didn’t?