Theological Pursuit
If pursuing God...makes us theologically keen, then our passion for God makes us theologians.

Gracious Judge, Holy Saviour
In recent years we have had conversations with numerous EMC ministers grappling with the morality of the church’s teaching on salvation through Christ alone, heaven, hell and judgment. We wish to offer our perspective on the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We see in these questions a quest to gain a deeper, more transforming vision of the mighty acts of God on our behalf. We affirm the quest.

Salvation: The Mystery of the ‘Why’ and the ‘How’
In faithful response to the mystery of salvation that God made known to us in his Son Jesus Christ, we are told to proclaim the good news we hold onto as our hope.

Does Heaven Matter?
The question that headlines this paper may surprise the reader. Of course, heaven matters.

The Reality of Eternal Punishment
The contrast is stark, and the warning is clear. In his letter to the Romans, the Apostle Paul paints a grim picture of those who reject the free gift of salvation.

Can We Be More than Agnostic? The Fate of the Unevangelized
It seems to me I have sufficiently mastered the skill of not thinking about something until I most definitely have to—at least, if I do not want to think about it. This has saved me at times from having to respond to certain questions. I could bow out with a polite “I do not know” or “I will have to look into it.” But it also has the tendency of throwing me into a frenzy when tasked with speaking into a subject previously confined to the recesses of my mind.

Do You See Lazarus?
I believe that Jesus told this parable as a polemic (condemnation) against the Pharisees regarding their unjust treatment of the poor and outcasts in their society. In doing so, he calls us to examine how we do the same in our world today.

The Final Word
“Theology is not a private subject for theologians only. Nor is it a private subject for professors. Fortunately, there have always been pastors who have understood more about theology than most professors…